Benefits of NIN for Nigerians In The Diaspora

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Benefits of NIN for Nigerians In The Diaspora

Your National Identification Number (NIN) is used to tie together all records about you – demographic data, fingerprints, head-to-shoulder facial picture, other biometric data and digital signature – in the National Identity Database making it relatively easy to confirm and verify your identity when you engage in travels and transactions.

Even outside the country, your NIN remains valuable whether you are travelling or are part of the Nigerian diaspora. The following are the benefits of NIN for Nigerians In The Diaspora

  1. It can be used to open personal bank accounts
  2. To carry out transactions relating to pension schemes
  3. To obtain a Permanent Voters’ Card
  4. To conduct land transactions, amongst other activities and transactions.
  5. To obtain a Nigerian driver’s license
  6. Importantly, you will need NIN to obtain or renew a passport.

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